ASC Capri 3ft6 Large Single Mattress

Original price was: £539.99.Current price is: £479.99.

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ASC Capri 3ft6 Large Single Mattress Description

Its eco-friendly Tencel incorporated stretch fabric cover provides the perfect sleeping microclimate as it improves heat flow, moisture dissipation and inhibits bacterial growth. At the core of the mattress is a strong 12.5 gauge open coil interior, one of the firmest wires used in mattress manufacturing today. Its extremely supportive and robust. Set in rows running from head to toe, its open coil springs are further strengthened by the addition of a thick perimeter rod-edge wire, attached to the outer rows of springs. To enhance its performance, the Capri mattress needs to be turned and flipped over on a regular basis in order to ensure that the filling remains evenly distributed.

ASC Capri 3ft6 Large Single Mattress Supplier

If you’d like to purchase ASC Capri 3ft6 Large Single Mattress you can grab it today from Archers Sleepcentre for just £479.99 by simply clicking the “View Product” button above.
